23 Durian



June 2024


Fruit -Durian


Variety - Musang King (frozen)


LocationUnited Kingdom 🇬🇧

Bought from


My Exotic Fruit, Unit 19,

Oaklands Farm Estate,

Goatsmoor Lane, Stock,

Ingatestone CM4 9RS.

01277 809810


Cost -Click here for the current website price. Please call the shop on 01277 809810 for the in-store price.


Grown - Malaysia

Description - The pods of flesh inside a Musang King durian are typically small (although sometimes medium) in size.

However, as the flesh contains only a few very small seeds, you get a good amount of flesh per pod.

The flesh has a glorious golden yellow to bright orange colour and an even more wonderful flavour!

My tastebuds are delighted every time

I take a bite of the super creamy flesh, with the velvety smoothness combined with a fantastic sweetness and only a small amount of the bitterness usually found in other durian varieties.

Indeed, this absence of savoury notes

is one of the reasons why Musang

King durian is so revered: unlike the savoury notes of cheese, onion, and egg commonly associated with some durian varieties, Malaysian durians boast a much sweeter and classically fruitier flavour.

In my experience, Malaysian varieties are definitely the best!

I enjoy eating durian neat, but why not follow South East Asian tradition and eat durian flesh, followed by mangosteen?

In various countries in South East Asia, durian is considered to be a warming fruit due to its rich flavour and aroma. In order to cool the body, locals like to eat refreshing mangosteen – it’s common to see bags of mangosteen hanging from the tops of durian stalls!

When I visited South East Asia, I noticed that families often huddle around the stalls to enjoy their durian, and then buy a few kilos of mangosteen to share when they’re home.

We offer both fresh and frozen durian, however we think frozen durian is the better option.

With fresh durian, it’s difficult to ensure that the fruit is perfectly ripe, as the thick, hard shell makes distinguishing between unripe and ripe specimens very tricky.

The smell of the fruit can sometimes indicate ripeness, yet again it’s still hard to know for sure.

Our warehouse team are trained in other quality checks too, including assessing the weight and shape of the fruit, but these are also not guaranteed methods of determining ripeness.

However, with our frozen durian, the fruits are confirmed to be ripe before being frozen, so there’s no doubt over its maturity!

Storage - If you order online, the frozen durian may begin to defrost in transit. If you want the durian to be fully frozen when you receive it, you can buy it from The Greengrocer!

We recommended defrosting frozen durian in the refrigerator and consuming it as soon as possible. You may also re-freeze immediately upon receipt and eat at a later date (due to its dense flesh, it freezes and defrosts well).

Rating - 9.5/10, the creamy flesh of Musang King durian is always an absolute pleasure to eat! It was made even better by the fact that I devoured this freshly defrosted, supremely refreshing durian flesh on one of the warmest days of the year, sitting in the My Exotic Fruit garden!

Available from My Exotic Fruit?

Yes! We’ve got lots of varieties of frozen durian available on our website:

We’ll have many varieties on sale in our shop too!

Do we sell Musang King durian seeds and seedlings? 

Not at the moment

Do you have something interesting to tell us about Musang King durian? 

We'd love to hear from you! Email us on blog@myexoticfruit.com and, with your permission, we'll add your information to our website.

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