Fat Duck



We were extremely proud to deliver a presentation on cacao to the development chefs at Heston Blumenthal’s fine dining restaurant The Fat Duck!

The restaurant urgently required fresh cacao pods for an event they were running for the team in their development kitchen.

As the UK’s best exotic fruit supplier, they naturally came

to us for help!

We quickly got in touch with

one of our trusted, long-term suppliers of Colombian produce and, reliable as ever, they sourced the cacao pods for us.

As if supplying produce to a restaurant with 3 Michelin stars wasn’t exciting enough for us, My Exotic Fruit founder Colin was even invited to give a talk to the chefs in the development kitchen.

Although Colin always loves to share his passion for and knowledge of unusual, rare fruits, being brought

in as an expert speaker to what

was once voted the best restaurant in the world was an unparalleled honour – Heston himself even

took the time to step away from

his duties to listen to some of

Colin’s talk!

The only time Colin had set foot

in the restaurant before was as a diner in his 20s, so to return as an authoritative voice on fruit was an amazing step in his career.

We were privileged to work so closely with this sublime restaurant: seeing the behind-the-scenes action in the kitchens, including watching a truffle dealer presenting his wares so the chefs could select the best specimens, were two particularly memorable highlights for Colin!

Since then, we have gone on to source other produce for the Fat Duck.

Most recently, we received a request from the pastry chef for a rare variety of coconut from Thailand, with meat of just the right thickness for a new dessert they were creating.

Working again with our reliable network of suppliers, we were able to source this hard-to-find variety.

It's been a pleasure to work with the Fat Duck and we can’t wait to undertake more exciting opportunities with top UK restaurants!

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